
Save Time

The time you save working with SF Codes will be in direct correlation to the money we save you by obtaining a speedy project approval.

Save Money

We often find design elements that are not required by the local municipality, but that add significant cost to the project. Ask us about a recent real world example that resulted in a 150k dollar project savings.

Project Experience 

In totality, the members comprising the current SF Codes team have decades of experience working on projects day in and day out. The bottom line is we see a lot! The sheer volume and complexity of projects performed has allowed us to take that knowledge and apply it to your project.


In our business, we are only as good as our last project. We keep this in mind on a daily basis and strive for unparalleled service, competitive pricing, and do our utmost to provide an overall value to keep our clients happy. Over the years, our clients have continued to return with new challenges to test our skills, services & abilities. Each time, we have gone beyond what was expected to win their approval & commitment to service.
We can service clients both large and small. Please ask about our extended consultative services.

Decrease Overhead

Hiring SF Codes to manage your project, will decrease monthly overhead. Your company will need less full time staff and your time will be freed up to work on other aspects of the project and/or pursue other ventures. Be sure to ask us about our flat rates per project and monthly rates that you can account for ahead of time within project budgets.

Stay Current

We stay up-to-date with all requirements needed in order to secure project approval. Staying on top of all the requirements can be very difficult if you’re not doing this day in and day out; especially, when as requirements vary from location to location.

Ease of Business

By Hiring SF Codes, you will be better equipped with a project team that affords an ease of doing business. We provide up to the minute status updates and ensure that every option has been explored before presenting you the information necessary to provide project resolution.