Project Viability Assessment
Let us help you determine if a project is viable or not. We look at a particular site and determine best use of land, likelihood of project approval, and other identify other considerations that will impact project approval. By getting us involved early on, we can often times determine the best course of action. From Entitlements, Planning, CEQA, Biological, and other considerations, from public corporations to private developments, we have the experience to help you determine your project’s true viability.
Change of Use Permits
Let us help you navigate through the Change of Use Permitting Process and determine ahead of time what to expect. For example, does the planning commission automatically deny projects to give the city council the opportunity to decide, or do you really have a shot at obtaining approval at the staff level. Many times, we do a project viability assessment prior, undertaking this process so our clients are 100% informed.
Project Demolition
Building materials & solid waste generated from construction and demolition activities, including, but not limited to, fully cured asphalt, concrete, brick, rock, soil, lumber, gypsum wallboard, cardboard and other associated packaging, roofing material, ceramic tile, carpeting, fixtures, plastic pipe, metals, tree stumps, and other vegetative matter all require special consideration.
Zoning Variance
A variance is a request for an exception from the Planning Code standard. We have the experience to help identify percentages for successful granting of variance. To do this, we lean on our experience information gathered over years doing thousands of projects.
The process of re-zoning often provides many considerations that one must take into account before undertaking this process. At SF Codes we can help you determine the potential for project success and identify if application for re-zoning is in fact a good time and monetary investment.
Parking Variance
Parking Variance, Open-Space Variance, “Granny” Unit Variance. Let us show you how to improve the value of your property through acquisition of the much desired San Francisco Jurisdiction.
Electrical Transformer Vaults
In times past, many utility companies and municipal jurisdictions are at odds when it comes to vault locations, construction means/methods, and often times recommendations conflict. We can help negotiate this process and obtain the certainty needed to ensure design documentation will commence with the proper guarantees in place.
Code Compliance
Code Enforcement is the administrative process utilized by the Department of Building Inspection to get property owners of buildings with substandard conditions to comply with Municipal objective. From Building, Electrical, Housing, Mechanical, and Plumbing Codes, let us show you how.
Title 24
We look at a project and determine what Title 24 triggers will in fact be enforced. This allows for the project team to address issues ahead of time and stay proactive rather than reactive. Additionally, understanding title 24 considerations, you can determine other energy efficiency standards & considerations. For example, recently San Francisco changed their LEED certification standard but failed to publish it on their website. Consequently, an entire project design would need to be re-worked if this information is not obtained in a timely fashion.